Green Actions

The environment has always been one of the greatest goods but less safeguarded our planet, each of us is called to do everything possible to reverse this trend .. As far as possible we at B & B Savoia we are committed to respecting and protecting the environment with the hope that our behavior as well as producing a smaller carbon can also improve environmental awareness. Today we can state that:
  1. only use green products for cleaning of the structure (100% biodegradable);
  2. provide our guests only soaps Ecolabel (made efficient use of resources / reduced environmental impact);
  3. use an air conditioning system of class A;
  4. LED bulbs use 80% of the points on the light;
  5. use taps with controlled water flow less than 9 liters / minute;
  6. use a photovoltaic panel for the production of hot water (assisted by the boiler with high energy efficiency);
  7. make the collection;
  8. to inform our customers about green practices adopted.
A service can not be the absolute best, but for sure you can not ignore respect for the environment if you want to achieve excellence. iniziative-green_savoia